learning from experience

Customer Service Excellence

customer service excelelnce

Embedding Customer Excellence at Axil – A Company-Wide Responsibility

At Axil, customer excellence isn’t just a strategy; it’s embedded in our culture and championed by every individual, from senior leadership to on-site operatives. As one of the UK’s leading total waste management specialists, we provide tailored waste solutions across critical sectors, including automotive, food, and pharmaceuticals. From the very start of our partnerships, we emphasise that maintaining and exceeding customer service standards is everyone’s responsibility, ensuring long-term relationships are developed, strengthened, and retained.

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fire and acoustics customer service excellence

Fire & Acoustic Seals Limited grab the Customer Service Excellence Standard

Fire and Acoustic Seals has been built on delivering great customer service. However, we wanted a prestigious independently verified certification and comprehensive program to recognise our commitment to providing exceptional customer service: which would set our own standards to be the recognized leader in our industry. The program fitted perfectly with our ISO9001:2015 accreditation, the structured approach offers us the opportunity to regularly review our processes and procedures to identify areas for improvement and strive for even greater customer service.

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Oxford Medical Training Ltd achieve Customer Service Excellence

We have always believed that our high standards of customer service are a key driver of business performance and so wanted an effective way of demonstrating and displaying this. We’d become disillusioned by the “awards” industry, which has become increasingly commercialised and superficial. We didn’t want to play that game anymore.

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