How would NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership (NWSSP) improve patient care with CSE?

Why did you wish to achieve the Customer Service Excellence Standard?

In NWSSP, we want our customers to receive a high quality service, focusing on the
customers needs and requirements by delivering excellent customer service. This in turn
support the quality of patient care across NHS Wales.

We are an NHS organisation made up of a broad range of services delivered by Divisions
including Legal Services, Payroll, Accounts Payable and even Laundry services.
Customer Service Excellence (CSE) is a framework a few divisions used prior to our
decision to be assessed on an organisational basis. This is our preferred framework as it
sets out five essential standards to ensure our customers remain at the heart of our service
delivery and encouraging continuous improvement throughout the whole organisation. It
also helps to support evidence for other legislative and regulatory accreditations.

What was your approach to assessment?

A few divisions had previously been engaged in CSE. It was critical to use their experience
as subject matter experts (SMEs) to support our organisation to achieve its first
organisational accreditation in CSE.

A project board was developed to design the concept of an organisational assessment
which soon developed into a community of practice (COP) group containing
representation from all divisions who acted as CSE champions. The COP group met
monthly via Teams, to ensure deadlines were met, to share good practice and support
other divisions if needed.

All supporting information and evidence were initially collated and stored centrally before
transferring into the self-assessment portal.

What have you experienced as the impact/benefit of the CSE Standard?

The CSE assessment accelerated the collaborative relationship between our divisions.
Sharing good practice and working in partnership has improved the services we provide to
our customers.

As an organisation, the feedback has helped us to develop a standardised approach when
supporting the needs of our customers. We have used the CSE assessment as part of our
evidence to support compliance with the Duty of Quality introduced to NHS Wales in 2023.

How did the assessment feedback support you?

Several action plans have been developed following the year one assessment feedback.
One to one support/collaborative sessions with the relevant divisions are held monthly to
continuously improve our customer experience.

Why did you choose Assessment Services Ltd for your assessment?

Before a contract was awarded, NWSSP followed the tender process with companies who
offer the CSE standard.

All advice and support were considered along with budgeting before committing to a
contract with Assessment services.

Throughout the whole process, Assessment Services have been on hand to offer support
and guidance whenever needed. Understanding that this was a very large task with a very
varied workforce.

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