Is your University getting the recognition it deserves for its customer service?

Customer Service Excellence is a nationally recognised standard

Customer Service Excellence customers identified some of the below benefits of assessment:

  • Recognition of our achievements
  • Staff confidence and morale increased through improved customer focused culture
  • Opportunity to benchmark against best practice
  • Interviews of stakeholders promoted our services and service standard

Why Assessment Services?

  • Support Universities through each step
  • Unique on-line assessment tool makes planning easy
  • Less intrusive approach
  • Offer approaches that suit clients needs
  • Celebrate Customer Service Excellence customer success
  • Promote your University’s customer service through our various social media platforms
  • Will recognise your University’s certification on the Customer Service Excellence holder’s directory
  • Committed to adding value

What customers say about Assessment Services in 2019:

  • 100% of customers confirmed they had received value for money
  • Our average feedback score for the assessment was 9.47/10
Outcome Satisfaction
0 %

“I would happily recommend Assessment Services to other organisations seeking to develop and improve in their approaches to customer service.” Goldsmiths, University of London

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